AFC Overnight CompetitionS
For athletes participating in overnight competitions, Athena Fencing Club provides comprehensive support and guidance to ensure a successful and stress-free experience for competitors and their families.
Below are the detailed options available:
Option 1: Competitors Attending with Parents
Coaching Fee: $120 per competition entry.
Coach's Hotel: The expense is divided by the number of attending students. Includes hotel parking.
Coach's Transit Fee: Shared among carpooling members; if solo, divided among all students. This fee includes gas and outside parking.
What's Included: Athletes enjoy full personalized coaching during and outside their matches, staff supervision, pre-comp mental training, pre-comp dietary training, environment and time management, rule compliance monitoring, and participation in all team-related activities.
Note: If the competitor leaves earlier with parents than the coach's scheduled return, the costs may be adjusted accordingly.
Option 2: Competitors Attending with Coach (No Parents)
Coaching Fee: $120 per competition entry.
Full Guardianship Fee: $100 per day, ensuring comprehensive care and supervision in the absence of parents.
Coach's Hotel (including parking): The expense is divided by the number of attending students. If larger room is needed, competitors with full guardianship option must also pay the difference from the normal room to the upgraded room.
Coach's Transit Fee: Shared among carpooling members; if solo with only one full guardianship competitor, divided by 50% and 50% amongst the rest of the students (excluding guardianship competitor the second time). This fee includes gas and other parking.
What's Included: Athletes enjoy full personalized coaching during and outside their matches, full supervision throughout trip, pre-comp mental and dietary training, environment and time management, rule compliance monitoring, and participation in all team-related activities.
Option 3: Competitors Attending with Friend's Family (No Parents)
Coaching Fee: $120 per competition entry.
Coach's Hotel (including parking): The expense is divided by the number of attending students.
Coach's Transit Fee: Shared among carpooling members; if solo, divided among all students. This fee includes gas and other parking.
What's Included: Athletes enjoy full personalized coaching during and outside their matches, staff supervision, pre-comp mental and dietary training, environment and time management, rule compliance monitoring, and participation in all team-related activities.
Note: All competitors joining a friend's family that purchases coaching, must also sign up for coaching. Also, if the competitor leaves earlier with the friend and their parents, rather than the coach's scheduled return, the costs may be adjusted accordingly.
Why We Charge a Coaching Fee when Staying with Friend's Family
While a competitor may travel with a friend's parents, our coaching staff remains responsible for the athlete's supervision, safety, and needs related to the competition. This fee ensures that our staff can adequately oversee all athletes and provide the necessary attention and care, as it is not the responsibility of the friend's parents to monitor other children.
Each of these options is designed to provide flexibility while maintaining a high level of care and service for our athletes. The coaching fee ensures athletes receive dedicated attention to improve their skills and competitive edge. The fees cover the responsibility our coaches take on to ensure athletes are safe, supervised, and focused on their competition.
For more details or if you have any questions, please reach out to athenafencingclub@gmail.com. We are here to help you select the best option for your athlete's needs and ensure a rewarding competition experience.